Found 17 Results

CIEL’s Guides on Leveraging UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies for Climate Campaigning

1. Background Note: Opportunities Offered by the Reporting Procedure of UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies: This briefing note provides a short overview of the reporting procedure of UN Treaty Bodies and describes the different stages of the process and opportunities for civil society to provide input. 2. Guidance Note: Preparation of a Parallel Report to a UN […]


CIEL Study on CRAs and Climate Change

Assessment of the legal liability of credit rating agencies for their failure to take account of climate risks in their credit risk assessments.


The Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative

The Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative  has published reports into Directors’ duties here and here. These provide a detailed guide to the duties of directors, trustees and others in common law jurisdictions in the UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa. These duties arise both under common law (duties of care and fiduciary duties) and under companies legislation.


Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures

This provides detailed guidance on the types of risk faced by companies in different business and industry sectors.


Carbon Tracker

Website publishes research to assist in assessing the financial impact of climate change on carbon intensive companies.


Smoke and Fumes Report

A report by the Center of International Environmental Law which provides a comprehensive evidentiary basis of climate deception by certain Carbon Majors.


The Carbon Majors Report

The Carbon Majors Report calculates the amount of GHG emissions of the 100 corporations who have emitted the most GHG emissions since 1988. It concludes that these Carbons Majors have been responsible for 71% of global GHG emissions in that period. The report continues to calculate the level of responsibility (by %) each of the […]


Climate Action Tracker

This is a very useful scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the objectives of limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C and 2°C. It provides information on a country-by-country basis on: The level of GHG emissions of different countries; The climate action governments have already taken (i.e. their current levels of […]


The OHCHR Study on the Relationship between Human Rights and Climate Change

Although it is now quite dated, this is a useful UN paper that provides an overview of the impacts climate change has on different human rights. It provides useful information for human rights-based arguments and has reference to evidence that shows how human rights will be affected.


The IPCC Reports

The IPCC is an international body for assessing climate science. Hundreds of leading climate scientists take part in it, and 195 representatives of countries are members of the IPCC, giving its findings exceptional weight. The IPCC conducts scientific assessments of existing climate science. Its findings provide the basis for all the major international agreements on […]
