Found 7 Results

Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)

Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of civil society organisations, professional bodies, multilateral and bilateral organisations (including some funders) and international training and research institutions. They work together with the aim of increasing access to land and tenure security. GLTN’s focus is to aid the poor and women internationally.  GLTN promote fair land […]


International Land Coalition

Founded in 1995, The International Land Coalition (ICL) works at protecting the rights of women, men and vulnerable communities who live on and require use of the land. As a global team, their aim is to help people secure land rights, secure fair access to land, control over the land and aid in establishing who […]


Guide to public interest litigation in Kenya

This is a Kenya-specific toolbox for public interest litigators. It provides detailed conceptual and practical guidance on various options for public interest litigators to use the law and courts to develop on-going and future public and policy discourses in Kenya. This Handbook is unique for its focus on the unfolding governance realities in Kenya. It […]


Manuel Populaire des Directives pour la Gouvernance des Terres, Pêches et Forêts

Guide pour la promotion, la mise en oeuvre, le suivi et l’évaluation. Ce Manuel Populaire a été élaboré avec l’appui technique de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et produit avec le soutien financier de l’Union européenne (UE), Oxfam et le Ministère du Développement Agraire du Brésil, ainsi que les contributions des […]


USAID – SAFE land rights handbook

Promoting community legal volunteers to safeguard land rights in Uganda. Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Equity and Peace (USAID-SAFE) commissioned the development of this Handbook as part of its objective to strengthen the Government of Uganda’s (GoU) capacity with respect to peace building and conflict mitigation. This initiative is part of efforts to provide assistance, […]


Land law and gender: a training toolkit

This training toolkit seeks to strengthen understanding of property rights for women and men as equal citizens. Because women in Uganda are often not treated as equal citizens, toolkit materials address what rights women have, how to communicate women’s rights, and the issues preventing women from exercising their rights. The overarching goals of the training […]


Community land protection facilitator’s guide

This is a step-by-step, practical “how to” manual for grassroots advocates working to help communities protect their customary claims and rights to land and natural resources. The guide helps communities to build unity and internal capacity for community land protection, to document and map their land claims, to strengthen local governance and seek formal government […]
