Found 3 Results

International Land Coalition

Founded in 1995, The International Land Coalition (ICL) works at protecting the rights of women, men and vulnerable communities who live on and require use of the land. As a global team, their aim is to help people secure land rights, secure fair access to land, control over the land and aid in establishing who […]


Base de données genre et le droit à la terre (GLRD

La base de données Genre et le droit à la terre (GLRD) de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a lancé une version améliorée de son site Internet afin d’accroître la sensibilisation sur les questions foncières entre les sexes à l’échelle mondiale. Le site révisé offre des informations de base sur la […]


Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD)

The Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) was launched by FAO in 2010 to highlight the major political, legal and cultural factors that influence the realisation of women’s land rights throughout the world. It also serves as a platform to address, discuss and provide information about gender and land issues with the support of 84 […]
