Found 10 Results


LANDESA Rural Development Institute is a non-profit organisation that partners with governments, NGOs and local organisations to secure land rights for the world’s poorest families with a particular focus on women’s land rights. They do this by working side by side with governments and other organisations to strengthen land rights for the landless poor – […]


Earth Rights International

EarthRights International works at defending people’s human rights and the environment and has been protecting people and the planet for over 20 years. Establishing these as ‘Earth Rights’, EarthRights International works against earth rights abusers. Finding real solutions for real people. EarthRights combines runs in depth training programmes for community leaders and activists and brings […]


Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)

Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of civil society organisations, professional bodies, multilateral and bilateral organisations (including some funders) and international training and research institutions. They work together with the aim of increasing access to land and tenure security. GLTN’s focus is to aid the poor and women internationally.  GLTN promote fair land […]


International Land Coalition

Founded in 1995, The International Land Coalition (ICL) works at protecting the rights of women, men and vulnerable communities who live on and require use of the land. As a global team, their aim is to help people secure land rights, secure fair access to land, control over the land and aid in establishing who […]


Land rights in Cambdia

The indigenous people of Cambodia are facing increasing threat to their customary lad rights. This video provided insight into this development and how the Cambodian Indigenous Rights Organisation is helping local communities to fight back.


Natural Justice

Natural Justice is an international NGO facilitating the legal empowerment of Indigenous peoples and local communities. Natural Justice takes its name from the legal principle that people should be involved in decisions that affect them. Accordingly, we assist communities to engage with legal frameworks to secure environmental and social justice. Natural Justice works in the […]


Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

Misión FPP apoya los derechos de los pueblos que viven en los bosques y que dependen de ellos para su sustento. Trabajamos para crear un espacio político para que los pueblos de los bosques aseguren sus derechos, controlen sus tierras y decidan su propio futuro. Objetivos Conseguir que los derechos y los intereses de los […]


Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

Mission Forest Peoples Programme défend les droits des peuples qui vivent dans les forêts et en tirent leur subsistance. Nous oeuvrons à créer un espace politique qui permette aux peuples des forêts de sauvegarder leurs droits, contrôler leurs terres et de décider eux-mêmes de leur avenir. Objectifs Assurer la reconnaissance des droits et des intérêts […]


Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

FPP was founded in 1990 in response to the forest crisis, specifically to support indigenous forest peoples’ struggles to defend their lands and livelihoods. Forest Peoples Programme has grown into a respected and successful organisation that now operates right around the tropical forest belt where it serves to bridge the gap between policy makers and […]


International Land Coalition (ILC)

With a network of 152 member organizations in 54 countries, ILC works to secure and protect the land rights of individuals, especially women and indigenous peoples. ILC not only features good practices occurring around the world, but they also offer leadership, educational, and networking opportunities. Every two years, ILC hosts the Global Land Forum, which […]
