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Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is an international partnership of 183 countries, international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector set up in 1992 to address global environmental issues. The GEF provides grants and mobilises additional funding for thousands of  environmental projects in 170 countries worldwide. Projects cover goals relating to climate change, land degradation, […]

Resource Bank


United States. Supreme Court. Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (1992)

The US Endangered Species Act of 1973 required federal agencies to ensure that any authorised actions did not jeopardize endangered or threatened species or destroy natural habitats. A 1986 amendment to the act limited it scope to actions in the United States or on the high seas. The court case concerned US funding of development […]

Resource Bank


Indigenous Cambodians fight for rights to ancestral land

Indigenous Cambodian communities are fighting to establish legal rights to their ancestral lands. So far, thousands have succeeded in establishing legal titles to traditional community land, thanks to a movement spearheaded by a range of organisations. The United Nations, civil society and donor agencies are working together to assist indigenous communities to claim land ownership […]



Land rights in Cambdia

The indigenous people of Cambodia are facing increasing threat to their customary lad rights. This video provided insight into this development and how the Cambodian Indigenous Rights Organisation is helping local communities to fight back.

Resource Bank


Groundbreaking win for indigenous people in Colombia

On 8 February 2017, the Constitutional Court of Colombia has found in favour of the Embera Chamí people in a centuries-old fight for their territory. The court granted the petition for the protection of constitutional rights requested by the of the Indigenous Resguardo Cañamomo Lomaprieta, in western Colombia. The Colombian Constitutional Court is the final […]

Resource Bank


Colombian Constitutional Court: «Amparo» action against an oil project license

Ruling by the Constitutional Court of Colombia on the right of indigenous peoples to participate through consultations in decisions that may affect them. The court ruled on Feb 3 1997 that consultations with indigenous people on economic and development projects affecting their land are fundamental rights of the peoples concerned. The Colombian Ministry of Environment […]

Resource Bank


Who is a refugee?

In this section we explain the international legal definitions of refugees. We also review the difference between  the terms «refugee» and «asylum seeker», as well as «internally displaced person» and «stateless person».

Legal Area


Legal redress for gender violence

Fusce sodales auctor id ut, sapien fames bibendum tempus sed tempor torquent. Maecenas curabitur tincidunt vitae faucibus. Sed sapien luctus vitae non mauris fusce, maecenas lacus, nulla dictumst ultrices interdum. Ea mauris nonummy odio itaque sem, curabitur ultrices felis sollicitudin massa in, per consectetuer sed ac, class amet, nullam lectus. Duis eget, accumsan et accusantium […]

Legal Area


Children take Trump to court over climate policy

Kids are taking the feds – and possibly Trump – to court over climate change. John D. Sutter, CNN News. Donald Trump is being sued before a federal court case for his inaction on climate change. The plaintiffs are 21 children who want to enforce their right to a livable atmosphere. A federal judge on […]



Ganges river granted legal rights

by Rina Chandran | Thomson Reuters Foundation Tuesday, 21 March 2017 An Indian court has declared the sacred Ganges and Yamuna rivers living entities, giving them the same legal rights as human beings. The high court in India’s northern Uttarakhand state on Monday said the Ganges and its longest tributary, the Yamuna – both held […]




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