Found 379 Results

Africa Freedom of Information Centre

Africa Freedom of Information Centre is a pan-African non-governmental organisation and resource centre that promotes the right of access to information through comparative research, coordinating regional advocacy, facilitating information-sharing and capacity building.


The Access Initiative

The Access Initiative is a civil society network dedicated to ensuring that citizens have the right and ability to influence decisions about the natural resources that sustain their communities.


Privacy International

Privacy International is a London-based organisation which advocates for privacy protections and surveillance safeguards in law and technology. It seeks to promote and defend privacy as the necessary counter-balance to modern power.


Transparency International

Transparency International is a non-governmental organisation which seeks to combat corruption worldwide and prevent criminal activities arising from corruption.


«Freedom of Information and Data Protection» by University College London

A UK-focused website resource by the Constitution Unit at University College London. Research, articles and surveys about the efficacy of FoI laws and procedures in the UK and internationally.


List of NGOs, Information Commissioners and other resources

A lengthy list of NGOs, information commissioners and other resources, compiled by Rights2Info


Guide on how to access information from a public body (UK Info Commissioner’s Office)

A helpful guide to the main considerations to be borne in mind when requesting information from public authorities


Freedom of Information requests: appeals mechanism in the OSCE region

LegalLeaks toolkit p44 Appeals mechanism in the OSCE region


Freedom of Information – Balancing the Public Interest

An analysis which seeks to analyse the various aspects of the public interest as understood in a Freedom of Information context in numerous common law jurisdictions; to assist Freedom of Information decision-makers to apply the public interest test in considering exemption provisions in legislation which incorporates that test in one form or another.   Freedom […]


Guide for Journalists on How to Access Government Information

LegalLeaks Guide for journalists on how to access government information This toolkit is designed for journalists working in any media – newspapers, radio, and television – as well as bloggers and other information professionals who need to get access to information held by public bodies.
