This is the complaint in an important lawsuit filed in New York by the City of New York against a number of major oil companies. It seeks to hold them liable in respect of the cost of sea level rise/flood defences for the city, based on their conduct is causing or encouraging large scale emissions. This […]
These are the grounds on which a number of claimants seek to challenge the UK government’s refusal to alter the 2050 emissions targets under the 2008 Climate Change Act. The claimants rely upon changes since 2008 in climate change science and international climate change policy in order to argue that the government’s refusal to set […]
This short guide is designed to assist in preparing for taking and taking witness statements. It gives examples of good and less good statements
LANDESA Rural Development Institute is a non-profit organisation that partners with governments, NGOs and local organisations to secure land rights for the world’s poorest families with a particular focus on women’s land rights. They do this by working side by side with governments and other organisations to strengthen land rights for the landless poor – […]
The Guttmacher Institute was founded in 1968 and researches global sexual and reproductive health rights across the globe in an effort to advance those rights for everyone. The institution publishes two peer-reviewed journals: Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. The non-governmental organisation believes that their varied research […]
EarthRights International works at defending people’s human rights and the environment and has been protecting people and the planet for over 20 years. Establishing these as ‘Earth Rights’, EarthRights International works against earth rights abusers. Finding real solutions for real people. EarthRights combines runs in depth training programmes for community leaders and activists and brings […]
Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of civil society organisations, professional bodies, multilateral and bilateral organisations (including some funders) and international training and research institutions. They work together with the aim of increasing access to land and tenure security. GLTN’s focus is to aid the poor and women internationally. GLTN promote fair land […]
STOPVAW provides the latest updates and highlights on violence against women around the world. On the website you will be able to learn about recent laws, United Nations resolutions, and global efforts to end violence against women. Useful sections found on the homepage: Country Pages: provides detailed information on violence against women in specific countries […]
This report for the European Parliament discusses the human rights issues raised by large-scale land deals for plantation agriculture (‘land grabbing’) in low and middle-income countries – a serious issue requiring urgent attention. The study assesses the link between land deals and human rights, reviewing relevant international human rights law and discussing evidence on actual […]
Global Fund for Women acts as a voice for women fighting inequality, raising awareness of stories of women around the world through campaigns, the news, and social media. Their key campaigns are around supporting women to be STRONG (and have access to sexual and reproductive health rights), SAFE (free from violence), POWERFUL and HEARD (by […]