When taking legal action, it is important to keep your information safe for the following reasons: If important information about your case, such as correspondence with lawyers, strategy and evidence, is not kept private, this can weaken your position during your legal case or in negotiations. If the other side knows what evidence, strategies and […]
Going to court: Q and A
When legal action is used to challenge powerful organisations and interests (e.g. the police, government, big business), the people taking legal action can face very real security risks. People may also face security risks when they take legal action in politically or culturally sensitive issues (e.g. to uphold LGBT rights). The targets of legal action […]
Going to court: Q and A
Once you have got a court order you may need to take steps to ensure it is carried out.
Going to court: Q and A
Legal action needs resources. Anyone bringing a legal case needs to consider what resources they will need and how they can get them. Although legal action can be expensive and you may not have plenty of resources, it may be possible to raise the money you need. To do this, you need to be determined, […]
Going to court: Q and A
Once you have decided that you want to legal action, there is a law you can base your claim on, you are able to take legal action and you have identified the right defendant, you will have to prove your case. By «prove your case», we mean that you will need to: (i) Have evidence […]
Going to court: Q and A
If you are considering taking legal action to solve a problem, there may be more than one court, tribunal, or other body to which you can bring your claim. It is useful first to prepare an overview of the different options and assess the advantages and disadvantages of each, before deciding where to bring your […]
Going to court: Q and A
In general, the main aim in taking legal action is to get a solution to a specific problem that is faced by the claimant. Courts try to address these problems by awarding remedies. A remedy is a legal reparation ordered by a court. In other words, remedies are court orders designed to make amends for […]
Going to court: Q and A
A key part of litigation is to identify the person or entity («the party») that you want to sue. There is little point in taking action against someone unless: (i) There is a court or tribunal that can hear the case against them (see Where Can I Take Legal Action?); and (ii) You have a […]
Going to court: Q and A
Legal action can be an excellent way to secure justice if you have suffered loss, harm or an injustice of some kind. However, legal action will not always be the best way to achieve the outcome you need. A question to ask yourself when considering bringing a case to court is whether bringing the case […]
Going to court: Q and A
Legal action for social justice means action that uses law to protect human rights, the environment and other public interests. The Going to Court: Q & A is designed to give you tips and guidance on how you can do just that. The Going to Court: Q & A provides an introduction into legal action and takes you […]
Going to court: Q and A
Action4Justice es un grupo de ONG unidas para fomentar el litigio de interés público mundialmente como una forma de obtener justicia social.
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