The New York Supreme Court is to hear arguments in November on whether an elephant can have legal personality. This may seem odd. But from a legal perspective it is not that strange. Indeed, it may be a practical way of using the law to protect the welfare of animals. To have a legal personality […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Environment,
Environmentalists in Indonesia are calling for the reversal of a controversial law aimed at job creation because it is seen favouring business interests at the expense of the environment and labour. Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer of palm oil and nickel ore for electric vehicle batteries, has forests bigger than any outside the Amazon and […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Environment,
Xi Jinping aims for carbon neutrality by 2060 but how he plans to meet that goal is still unclear. The declaration by Xi Jinping, China’s president, at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday – after Donald Trump had earlier criticised Beijing’s environmental record – has been hailed as a major step forward in international negotiations […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Climate change,
1) Activistas y líderes comunitarios No eres abogado/a pero conoces los problemas que enfrenta tu comunidad. La acción legal puede ser una forma efectiva de buscar justicia para tu comunidad. la plataforma A4J te da sugerencias sobre cómo tomar acción legal y cómo buscar apoyo. 2) Organizaciones de sociedad civil Eres una organización local o […]
Content type: Páginas
¿CÓMO PUEDO AYUDAR? Action4Justice está dirigido casi en su totalidad por voluntarios. Necesitamos ayuda de personas con diversas habilidades para seguir adelante y hacer todo lo posible para defender los derechos humanos y empoderar a las comunidades que más lo necesitan en todo el mundo. Esto incluye la ayuda de abogados, expertos web, comunicadores y […]
Content type: Páginas