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Save Lamu v Nema & Amu Power Ltd

A local community group successfully challenged the licensing of a coal-fired power plant on the basis it was granted without a proper environmental impact assessment was conducted. This was in part due to a failure to consider the climate impact of the project.

Resource Bank


Greenpeace Nordic and Nature and Youth v Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Environmental organisations in Norway are challenging a licensing decision to permit oil exploration in the Barents Sea. They are challenging the decision on the basis that it violates the right to a healthy environment in Norway’s Constitution. They argue that the licensing decision could lead to the discovery, export and combustion of a large amount of […]

Resource Bank


Stephenson v Secretary of State for Housing and Communities and Local Government

An organisation against fracking challenged a UK government policy that promoted fracking on grounds that the policy was made without consideration being given to the climate impact of the policy. The court agreed and ruled that the policy was unlawful on this basis.

Resource Bank


Mexico Supreme Court Ruling on Modification to the Ethanol Fuel Rules

The Mexican Supreme Court has invalidated a regulation in relation to the amount of ethanol allowed in gasoline because this of its potential environmental and climate change implications, and because of the failure to provide for the necessary public participation in the decision-making process.

Resource Bank


St. Bernard Parish v US Army Corps of Engineers

The case was brought after Hurricane Katrina caused serious flooding in New Orleans in 2005. The claim was brought on the basis that the Defendant failed in its duty to protect residents against flooding, because it had not ensured that the flood defences were high enough and strong enough. The claim initially succeeded. Although the […]

Resource Bank


Burgess v Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

A group of property owners around the Muskoka Lakes in Canada brought a claim against the government ministry that was responsible for managing the water levels of the lakes. Since 2010, due to climate change, the property owners’ lands began to be severely affected by flooding of the lakes. They argued that the Ministry had […]

Resource Bank


Petition of the Torres Strait Islanders to the UN Human Rights Committee

A group of indigenous people from the low-lying islands off the coast of Australia are bringing a complaint against the Australian government. Their islands are under threat by rising sea levels caused by climate change. Part of their argument is that the Australian government’s failure to take adaptation measures, such as building flood defences and […]

Resource Bank


The De Justicia Case

In this case, the claimants were group of young people in Colombia who claimed that their rights were infringed by the Colombian government’s failure to do more about reducing climate change by reducing deforestation. The Colombian Supreme Court ordered government departments and ministries to prepare a plan within a specific timeframe to counteract the rate […]

Resource Bank


Climate Action Tracker

This is a very useful scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the objectives of limiting global temperature rises to 1.5°C and 2°C. It provides information on a country-by-country basis on: The level of GHG emissions of different countries; The climate action governments have already taken (i.e. their current levels of […]

Resource Bank


Maria Khan v Federal Republic of Pakistan

This is a mitigation claim thatis being brought against the government by a woman in rural Pakistan. She is arguing the government’s complete failure to reduce its GHG emissions and approve green energy initiatives violates her constitutional rights to life, dignity and a healthy environment.

Resource Bank



Action4Justice es un grupo de ONG unidas para fomentar el litigio de interés público mundialmente como una forma de obtener justicia social.

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