Use this if you want to find out if a business has a ethical code of conduct that you could use to your advantage.
Resource Bank
Use this if you’re taking a case and want to access information about US-based businesses.
Resource Bank
Use this to assess whether a business has made a proper human rights due diligence assessment.
Resource Bank
Use this to help you find support for your case.
Resource Bank
Use this to help you gather evidence about human rights abuse by a business.
Resource Bank
This provides information about your rights and what they mean in practice
Resource Bank
SOMO is an independent knowledge centre on TNCs. They have resources on different industries TNCs work in and strategies that can be used to hold them to account. SOMO also provide services and advice for organisations engaging with TNCs.
Resource Bank
PODER is a regional organisation in Latin America that seeks to improve corporate transparency and accountability. PODER have a networking platform to connect different people and organisations. They provide information on how to effectively hold businesses accountable in Latin America. They have capacity building teams that can assist people trying to hold businesses to account.
Resource Bank
OECD Watch is a network of organisations that gives information and advice about the OECD Guidelines and how to use OECD National Contact Points to hold businesses accountable.
Resource Bank
Leigh Day is a UK-based law firm that specialises in help communities outside the UK take legal action against abusive businesses.
Resource Bank
Action4Justice es un grupo de ONG unidas para fomentar el litigio de interés público mundialmente como una forma de obtener justicia social.
SABER MÁSBuscamos alianzas con organizaciones y comunidades que apoyan nuestros objetivos mundialmente. Únete a nuestra red, o participa como voluntario.