The A4J Detention Guide is designed to give you a practical introduction on how to use legal action to challenge arbitrary detention. It provides information on what your rights are and how you can enforce them.
Legal Area
Indigenous Mayan Q’eqchi’ Peoples from Guatemala have filed a claim in the Canadian courts against the Canadian mining TNC Hudbay Minerals Inc and two of its subsidiaries. They allege that members of the police and military committed acts of violence, including murder, assault and rape while under the control of Hudbay. They argue that the […]
Resource Bank
A local community challenging the operation of the Koidu diamond mine in Sierra Leone relied on documents disclosed in the Panama papers to argue before the High Court of Sierra Leone that they could serve their claim on the corporate group (including the parent company Octéa Mining Limited registered in the British Virgin Islands) at […]
Resource Bank
The Kanyika Community in Malawi is bringing a claim for compensation against Globe Metals and Mining (Africa) Limited and the Malawi Government for damages to their land, water source and religious and cultural sites. The Community was not consulted before Globe Minerals begin exploration and extraction activities in the community’s area.
Resource Bank
In 2006, a former gold miner suffering from the lung disease silicosis sued AngloGold Ashanti in the South African courts for failing to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment and failing to meet its law duty of care (this legal duty is discussed below). Under South African law, he had to take […]
Resource Bank
Example of a complaint to the IFCCAO regarding an industrial project in the Republic of Guinea.
Resource Bank
Example of a complaint to the IFCCAO regarding a mining project in Colombia.
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Use this if you want to make a complaint to an OECD National Contact Point
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Use this if you want to make a complaint to an OECD National Contact Point
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Use this if you want to make a complaint to an OECD National Contact Point
Resource Bank
Action4Justice es un grupo de ONG unidas para fomentar el litigio de interés público mundialmente como una forma de obtener justicia social.
SABER MÁSBuscamos alianzas con organizaciones y comunidades que apoyan nuestros objetivos mundialmente. Únete a nuestra red, o participa como voluntario.