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KBR Nigeria

In 2009, a US engineering company named KBR pleaded guilty in a US court to charges arising out of the payment of $180m in bribes to Nigerian officials over the course of ten years, in order to win contracts to build and expand a liquefied natural gas terminal.  KBR and its parent company agreed to […]

Resource Bank


Public Protector’s Report on Nkandla, South Africa

“Secure in Comfort” was the name of South Africa’s Public Protector’s office report on President Jacob Zuma’s improvements on his private residence with taxpayers’ money. This report was a direct result of seven complaints received at the Public Protector’s office in 2011 and 2012. What happened: The improvements to President Zuma’s private home were planned […]

Resource Bank


Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Practices Commission (Nigeria)

In Nigeria, the ICPC is an independent body that can start investigations and bring criminal prosecutions against persons and organisations suspected of corrupt practices. They have a section on their website where you can: Provide them with a “tip” on a corrupt action you believe has happened; or Submit a petition to get the ICPC to start […]

Resource Bank


Global Mapping of Anti-Corruption Authorities

This analysis report provides data of the existence of Anti-Corruption Authorities in  114 countries and territories. You can find which authorities are endowed with investigative and/or prosecution powers to combat corruption.

Resource Bank


The Public Protector (South Africa)

The Public Protector is an independent body in South Africa that has the power to investigate and take action relating to improper conduct from public officials and bodies. The institution can help with complaints into the following issues: Abuse of power; Unfair, discourteous or other improper conduct; Undue delay; Decision taken by the authorities; Maladministration; […]

Resource Bank


World Bank’s How-to Guide on Effective Disclosure

Public disclosure of declarations may take different forms. Generally, they are published in electronic format online. However, in some countries, this information is available on demand only to comply specific conditions such as introducing it as evidence in court. This guide provides further information on official asset declaration.

Resource Bank


I paid a bribe (India, Pakistan, Syria, Nepal and Sri Lanka)

In this platform you can submit an anonymous report if you had to pay a bribe at a government office or you had to say ‘no’ when you were asked for a bribe. In addition, it is not limited to reporting corrupt officials, you can also post if you met honest officers who did their […]

Resource Bank


UNODC’s Country Profiles

In Cycle 1 Reports you can find details on witness protection programs in your country.

Resource Bank


Hong Kong’s Witness Protection Programme

The programme is implemented at police stations by the Witness Protection Unit at the Independent Commission against Corruption ICAC to guarantee the protection of persons whose personal safety or well-being may be at risk as a result of them being witnesses. The legislation first defines the criteria for admission to the programme, provides authorisation to […]

Resource Bank


Global Guide on Whistleblower Protection

This guide goes through 16 different countries and identifies the whistleblower protections available in each. For each country, it provides an overview of the legal framework on whistleblower protection, who is eligible and how these protections can be enforced.

Resource Bank



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