
Refugee and Migrant Rights

Wars, civil strife, persecution, climate change and other causes are driving tens of millions of people to leave their homes and their countries in search of safety and security.

If you, or others in your family or community, have migrated to another region or country, you may encounter severe difficulty in asserting your rights to remain, to move freely, and to access food, health services, education, and employment  – in other words, to be treated fairly and in accordance with the laws of the country in which you have arrived.

In this guide we explain some of the key concepts which are relevant to your rights, and we outline practical measures that you may take in order to have those rights upheld.


Scope of this guide

In this guide we address the following issues:

  1.  Who is a refugee?   If you can demonstrate that you qualify as a refugee, this is likely to be an important source of rights in the country where you now live.
  2. How do I obtain refugee status? We explain the practical steps that you may need to take, and the policy reasons for these measures.
  3. Might I be subject to deportation? We outline the scenarios in which you may be at risk of deportation, and the rights that you may have to challenge a deportation order.
  4. Am I at risk of being detained? We explain the circumstances in which immigrants are subject to detention, and the steps that you can take if this happens to you.

Action4Justice es un grupo de ONG unidas para fomentar el litigio de interés público mundialmente como una forma de obtener justicia social.

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