New Zealand has become the first country to introduce a law that will require banks, insurers and investment managers to report the impacts of climate change on their business, minister for climate change James Shaw said on Tuesday. All banks with total assets of more than NZ$1 billion ($703 million), insurers with more than NZ$1 […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Environment,
It’s a simple incentive with big gains: plant a tree, and after three years residents can mortgage each sapling for an interest-free loan that can be renewed annually for 10 years. The money need be repaid only if the tree is chopped down. Sheeja CG, a 46- year-old farmer, has lived among coffee, coconut and […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Climate change,
A Bangladeshi man with asthma has avoided deportation from France after his lawyer argued that he risked a severe deterioration in his condition, and possibly premature death, due to the dangerous levels of pollution in his homeland. “To my knowledge, this is the first time a French court has applied the environment as one of […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Environment,
France’s highest administrative court on Thursday gave the government three months to show it is enacting climate policies that will ensure it meets its commitments on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Conseil d’Etat’s ruling raises questions about the credibility of President Emmanuel Macron’s climate plan and affirms the binding nature of greenhouse gas reduction targets […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Climate change,
A class action lawsuit has been filed against the mining company Anglo American over its alleged failure to prevent widespread toxic lead pollution in the Zambian town of Kabwe. The town hosted one of the world’s biggest lead mines for many decades and scientists have reported “alarming” levels of lead in people’s blood. “The public environmental health […]
Content type: News
Legal Topic: Environment,
Si, después de leer esta Guiá, crees que debes iniciar una acción legal para combatir la corrupción te recomendamos buscar apoyo de una organización anti-corrupción y llevar a cabo una investigación mas a fondo. Los siguientes links te pueden ayudar en ello.
Content type: Legal Areas
Legal Topic: Corrupción,
El término “autoridades públicas” se refiere a cualquier institución en el sector público (es decir, instituciones que forman parte o son controladas por el Estado). Esto incluye: Instituciones encargadas de investigar delitos como la policía y los fiscales; Instituciones que prestan un servicio público como hospitales públicos y escuelas; Departamentos o dependencias gubernamentales; Instituciones gubernamentales […]
Content type: Legal Areas
Legal Topic: Corrupción,
El término “autoridades públicas” se refiere a cualquier institución en el sector público (es decir, instituciones que forman parte o son controladas por el Estado). Esto incluye: Instituciones encargadas de investigar delitos como la policía y los fiscales; Instituciones que prestan un servicio público como hospitales públicos y escuelas; Departamentos o dependencias gubernamentales; Instituciones gubernamentales […]
Content type: Legal Areas
Legal Topic: Corrupción,
Si puedes demostrar que existió un acto de corrupción, puedes presentar una acción civil. Una acción civil implica que argumentes que una persona o empresa cometió un daño sobre tus derechos.
Content type: Legal Areas
Legal Topic: Corrupción,
Si el acto de corrupción que quieres denunciar es reconocido como un delito en tu país, puedes llevar a cabo una acción legal de carácter penal o criminal. Los procedimientos criminales son investigaciones que generalmente son llevados a cabo por la policía y fiscales/ministerios públicos, para conocer si se ha cometido un crimen o delito. […]
Content type: Legal Areas