Action4Justice is a global platform of civil society organisations who want to promote the use of legal action for social justice. This platform has 2 main parts.
You are now on the Hub Site. This is a global site which provides you with multi-jurisdictional and international information on:
This is ONLY ONE PART of the A4J platform. We also have platforms in different countries that provide the same information in a way that is tailored to an individual country. These can you tell you:
National platforms are NOT JUST WEBSITES. The website is one place where our materials are published and stored. Materials on distributed by our partners in local communities. Workshops and training sessions are delivered to build local capacity to take legal action.
“Lack of access to justice keeps people poor and vulnerable. At a time of shrinking democratic space, the escalating climate crisis and increasing corporate capture of state agencies, lack of access to justice deprives them and future generations of agency, dignity and human rights.
Without “how to” guidance and basic practical information, litigation is hardly an option for the economically disadvantaged and the vulnerable. Strategic litigation requires sophisticated risk analysis and resources that are beyond the experience of the vast majority of practising lawyers, let alone non-lawyers.
Member of International CSO.”Member of International CSO
“…lack of sufficient practical information is a significant barrier to access to justice. Information should be accessible to all so that they can access justice, they won’t be able to take any actions if the information is not easily accessible to them…”
Lawyer in Tanzania
“These local NGOs are unlikely to have experience with public interest litigation and focusing on demonstrating its potential benefits (and downsides), practical hurdles and how to overcome them should be priority number one. Inspiring examples from elsewhere and resources on networks of allies should be important too. My belief is that these are more important than actual substantive law resources. Let’s keep it practical!”
Member of International CSO
“There seems to be a lot other organizations doing a lot of things in the area but none to the best of our knowledge in the format that A4J deploys.”
Members of Nigerian CSO
“…the majority of resources focus only on the domestic forum and do not delve into the sub-regional, regional and international fora. This is not helped by the fact that most of the training the lawyers undergo here is for the domestic courts. There is need to make the information and the procedure user-friendly for the vulnerable litigants and other community-based organisations that work with such vulnerable communities. Even for the lawyers, there is need for a resource-centre which would be a starting point for them if they are to devout part of their time to matters of public interest. It is also worth noting that the resources can be a tool used even by the universities for training of law students in preparation for careers in public interest law.”
Member of Ugandan CSO