Our vision is of a world where there is access to justice.
A world where:
- The vulnerable and marginalised enforce their legal rights without impediment;
- Human rights are upheld, our natural environment is protected;
- State and corporate actors held to account for human rights and environmental abuses; and
- The vulnerable have meaningful access to justice.
Our vision is underwritten by the belief that for social and environmental justice is to realised, there must first be access to justice.

Our mission is to equip individuals and communities with the practical information needed to help them uphold their human rights and protect their environment through legal action and advocacy.
We will achieve this by:
- Providing practical guidance on access to justice in the most vital areas of need;
- Distributing our materials via websites, other appropriate portals/media and via partnerships with networks on the ground in the countries we serve; and
- Facilitating the creation of communities of public interest lawyers and activists to be a further resource of legal and practical support in this field.