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Kellogg Brown & Root fined $400 million for Nigeria bribes

US company Kellogg Brown & Root fined $400 million for Nigeria bribes – SEC Charges KBR and Halliburton for FCPA Violations. Press release 2009-23. Washington, D.C., Feb. 11, 2009. The Securities and Exchange Commission announced settlements with KBR, Inc. and Halliburton Co. to resolve SEC charges that KBR subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root LLC bribed Nigerian government […]



Siemens executives charged with bribery in Argentina

SEC Charges Seven Former Siemens Executives with Bribing Leaders in Argentina. Securities Exchange Commission Press Release 2011-263 Washington, D.C., Dec. 13, 2011 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged seven former Siemens executives with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) for their involvement in the company’s decade-long bribery scheme to retain a $1 […]



Guide to public interest litigation in Kenya

This is a Kenya-specific toolbox for public interest litigators. It provides detailed conceptual and practical guidance on various options for public interest litigators to use the law and courts to develop on-going and future public and policy discourses in Kenya. This Handbook is unique for its focus on the unfolding governance realities in Kenya. It […]

Resource Bank


Business anti-corruption portal: legislation

A useful and practical source of anti-corruption legislation. Provides a quick and practical breakdowns of key anti-corruption legislation and companion compliance guides. Provides introductions to legislation and links to full text for a range of countries, as well as international agreements. “Policies, training, due diligence, communication, and more. Together and automated”. This online commercial source […]

Resource Bank


Convención Interamericana contra la Corruptción, 1966

El 29 de marzo de 1996, en Caracas, Venezuela, los estados miembros de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) adoptaron la Convención Interamericana contra la Corrupción, la cual entró en vigor el 6 de marzo de 1997. Esta Convención, es el primer instrumento jurídico internacional en su tipo. Reconoce expresamente la trascendencia internacional de la […]

Resource Bank


FCPA: resource guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

A detailed compilation of information about the FCPA, its provisions, and enforcement. The Guide addresses a wide variety of topics, including who and what is covered by the FCPA’s anti-bribery and accounting provisions; the definition of a “foreign official”; what constitute proper and improper gifts, travel and entertainment expenses; the nature of facilitating payments; how […]

Resource Bank


User’s guide to measuring corruption and anti-corruption

This manual presents a series of methodologies, tools and practices that have been used and validated by the anti-corruption community over the last few years. The Guide intends to respond to the increasing demand from a wide range of stakeholders for updated guidance on measuring both corruption and its absence, specifically the phenomena of transparency, […]

Resource Bank


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