

Climate Change: More than 3bn could live in extreme heat by 2070

Unless greenhouse gas emissions fall, large numbers of people will experience average temperatures hotter than 29C.

This is considered outside the climate “niche” in which humans have thrived for the past 6,000 years.

Co-author of the study Tim Lenton told the BBC: “The study hopefully puts climate change in more human terms”.

Researchers used data from United Nations population projections and a 3C warming scenario based on the expected global rise in temperature. A UN report found that even with countries keeping to the Paris climate agreement, the world was on course for a 3C rise.

According to the study, human populations are concentrated into narrow climate bands with most people residing in places where the average temperature is about 11-15C. A smaller number of people live in areas with an average temperature of 20-25C.

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