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Human Rights Translated 2.0: A Business Reference Guide

This provides information about your rights and what they mean in practice

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A citizen’s guide to requesting Government records under the U.S. FoI legislation

A lengthy but useful guide to FoI requests using U.S. legislation.  Remember, you don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to use most of these rights to demand material from U.S. public authorities.

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UK ICO: Information request “dos and don’ts”

A helpful and practical guide from the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office that gives tips and advice on how to access information from a public body. Though it is UK-focused, the principles are applicable more generally.

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Guide to U.S. Freedom of Information Act requests

The U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that confers rights to access information from the U.S. federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens “in the know” about their government.  Since any person – whether or not a US citizen – can avail themselves of most FOIA information […]

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Guide for journalists on submitting freedom of information requests

A guide which explains tactics for demanding information held by UK public authorities.  This is primarily intended for use by journalists, but it contains some useful tips which are of more general application.

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Guide on how to access information from a public body (UK Info Commissioner’s Office)

A helpful guide to the main considerations to be borne in mind when requesting information from public authorities

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Guide for Journalists on How to Access Government Information

LegalLeaks Guide for journalists on how to access government information This toolkit is designed for journalists working in any media – newspapers, radio, and television – as well as bloggers and other information professionals who need to get access to information held by public bodies.

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Tips and Guidance on Witness Evidence and Witness Statements

This short guide is designed to assist in preparing for taking and taking witness statements. It gives examples of  good and less good statements

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Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)

Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of civil society organisations, professional bodies, multilateral and bilateral organisations (including some funders) and international training and research institutions. They work together with the aim of increasing access to land and tenure security. GLTN’s focus is to aid the poor and women internationally.  GLTN promote fair land […]

Resource Bank


Stop Violence Against Women (STOPVAW)

STOPVAW provides the latest updates and highlights on violence against women around the world. On the website you will be able to learn about recent laws, United Nations resolutions, and global efforts to end violence against women. Useful sections found on the homepage: Country Pages: provides detailed information on violence against women in specific countries […]

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Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.

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