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Lliuya v RWE AG

A case brought by a Peruvian farmer in German courts against RWE (a German energy company) for their contribution to climate change and its impact on glacial melts and flooding of his community. They demand that RWE contribute to adaptation costs required to protect against flooding.

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EarthLife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs

An environmental organisation in South Africa successfully challenged the opening of a new coal mine on the basis that the responsible public body failed to take into consideration its climate impacts when licensing the project.

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Leghari v Republic of Pakistan

A case was brought against government authorities in Pakistan by a local farmer for their failure to put in place sufficient adaptation measures and the resulting damage to his livelihood. The Court held that Pakistan had violated citizens’ rights to life, dignity and property and ordered the government to take measures to minimise the impacts […]

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Urgenda Foundation v Kingdom of the Netherlands

A Dutch environmental group and 886 citizens sued the Netherlands for not taking enough action to reduce their GHG emissions. In 2019, the Dutch Supreme Court found that the Dutch government must, by 2020, have reduced their GHG emissions by at least 25% from 1990 levels. The government’s failure to do this was a violation […]

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New Model Statute For Citizens to Challenge Governments Failing To Act on Climate Change

The Model Statute provides a number of rationales, precedents and articles that would support climate litigation for the reduction of greenhouse gases.

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Climate Change Laws of the World Database

LSE, the Grantham Research Institute and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law have a database on climate litigation and climate laws/policies around the world.

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Climate Liability News

A website that provides updates on new climate litigation cases.

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The Sabin Center Climate Litigation Database

Columbia Law School’s database provides a comprehensive collection of different pieces of climate litigation brought across the world.

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United Nations Environmental Program Emissions Gap Reports

UNEP releases annual reports which compare the actual GHG emissions reductions with the GHG emissions reductions we have to make to avoid temperature rises of 1.5°C and 2°C. It considers different scenarios and makes projections on the basis of current policies. It also outlines the level of GHG emissions reductions that need to be made […]

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The Paris Agreement

This is the most recent climate change agreement under the UNFCCC. Its key features are: It sets an objective of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2°C, while pursuing efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C; All countries have an obligation to reduce their GHG emissions; and Countries have to submit nationally determined contributions, which detail countries […]

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Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.

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