Legal action can defen threatened land rights of entire groups or communities. This page provides practical steps for taking legal action in land disputes.
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Securing Forests, Securing rights (2014): Report of the International Workshop on Deforestation and the Rights of Forest Peoples, Held in Palangka Raya, Indonesia, March 2014. Report available on website of Forest Peoples Programme.
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Tirana Declaration (2011): Securing land access for the poor in times of intensified natural resources competition. Declaration made at a conference of the National Federation of Communal Forests and Pastures of Albania (NFCFPA), Tirana, 24-26 May 2011.
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This is a Kenya-specific toolbox for public interest litigators. It provides detailed conceptual and practical guidance on various options for public interest litigators to use the law and courts to develop on-going and future public and policy discourses in Kenya. This Handbook is unique for its focus on the unfolding governance realities in Kenya. It […]
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La base de données Genre et le droit à la terre (GLRD) de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a lancé une version améliorée de son site Internet afin d’accroître la sensibilisation sur les questions foncières entre les sexes à l’échelle mondiale. Le site révisé offre des informations de base sur la […]
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The Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) was launched by FAO in 2010 to highlight the major political, legal and cultural factors that influence the realisation of women’s land rights throughout the world. It also serves as a platform to address, discuss and provide information about gender and land issues with the support of 84 […]
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Farm lease contract template. Click to download. Format: Word docx. (Contract originally from “Printable contract” website ). This contract template is provided in Word format (docx), suitable for downloading and customising to individual requirements. It is intended to provide all the legal clauses considered necessary to a land leasing, while allowing individuals to adapt specifics to their own […]
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This contract template is provided in various formats (pdf, doc) suitable for downloading and customising to individual requirements. It is intended to provide all the legal clauses considered necessary to a land sale, while allowing individuals to adapt specifics to their own needs.
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This article explores land reform that integrates statutory and customary tenure. It examine what this implies for tenure security of customary landholders. Land reform inevitably feeds into institutional multiplicity and competition, and serves as a venue for the renegotiation of land governing authorities and regulations. In Uganda, through such reform, customary authorities are delegitimised and […]
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Misión FPP apoya los derechos de los pueblos que viven en los bosques y que dependen de ellos para su sustento. Trabajamos para crear un espacio político para que los pueblos de los bosques aseguren sus derechos, controlen sus tierras y decidan su propio futuro. Objetivos Conseguir que los derechos y los intereses de los […]
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