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Inequality and social conflict over land in Africa

The  paper  proposes  that  reports  of  pervasive  competition  and  conflict  overland in sub-Saharan Africa belie a current image of negotiable and adaptive customary systems of landholding and land use but, instead, reveal processes of exclusion, deepening social divisions and class formation. Cases of ambiguous and indeterminate outcomes among claimants over land do occur, but the […]

Resource Bank


Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

Mission Forest Peoples Programme défend les droits des peuples qui vivent dans les forêts et en tirent leur subsistance. Nous oeuvrons à créer un espace politique qui permette aux peuples des forêts de sauvegarder leurs droits, contrôler leurs terres et de décider eux-mêmes de leur avenir. Objectifs Assurer la reconnaissance des droits et des intérêts […]

Resource Bank


Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

FPP was founded in 1990 in response to the forest crisis, specifically to support indigenous forest peoples’ struggles to defend their lands and livelihoods. Forest Peoples Programme has grown into a respected and successful organisation that now operates right around the tropical forest belt where it serves to bridge the gap between policy makers and […]

Resource Bank


International Land Coalition (ILC)

With a network of 152 member organizations in 54 countries, ILC works to secure and protect the land rights of individuals, especially women and indigenous peoples. ILC not only features good practices occurring around the world, but they also offer leadership, educational, and networking opportunities. Every two years, ILC hosts the Global Land Forum, which […]

Resource Bank


Manuel Populaire des Directives pour la Gouvernance des Terres, Pêches et Forêts

Guide pour la promotion, la mise en oeuvre, le suivi et l’évaluation. Ce Manuel Populaire a été élaboré avec l’appui technique de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et produit avec le soutien financier de l’Union européenne (UE), Oxfam et le Ministère du Développement Agraire du Brésil, ainsi que les contributions des […]

Resource Bank


USAID – SAFE land rights handbook

Promoting community legal volunteers to safeguard land rights in Uganda. Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Equity and Peace (USAID-SAFE) commissioned the development of this Handbook as part of its objective to strengthen the Government of Uganda’s (GoU) capacity with respect to peace building and conflict mitigation. This initiative is part of efforts to provide assistance, […]

Resource Bank


Using public interest litigation to save Uganda rainforests

Using Public Interest Litigation in Uganda to Save Mabira and Other Rainforests Abstract: In August 2011, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni announced that he planned to give away part of Mabira rainforest to a sugar corporation. The intention was to grow a sugarcane plantation and enhance sugar production in the country… Ugandans opposed to the give-away […]



Land law and gender: a training toolkit

This training toolkit seeks to strengthen understanding of property rights for women and men as equal citizens. Because women in Uganda are often not treated as equal citizens, toolkit materials address what rights women have, how to communicate women’s rights, and the issues preventing women from exercising their rights. The overarching goals of the training […]

Resource Bank


Community land protection facilitator’s guide

This is a step-by-step, practical “how to” manual for grassroots advocates working to help communities protect their customary claims and rights to land and natural resources. The guide helps communities to build unity and internal capacity for community land protection, to document and map their land claims, to strengthen local governance and seek formal government […]

Resource Bank


Land Rights

Land is critical for access to food, water, security, livelihoods and sustainable development. Land gives people security and a place to call their own. Strong land rights can be vital for community and women’s empowerment. But individuals, families and communities’ rights to land can be weak. Their land rights can be vulnerable to abuse, resulting […]

Legal Area


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