If you are trying to find information about an action or decision by the public authorities in your country: you may be able to find that information already available on a public register or website as part of a document published by state authorities as information provided to state authorities the FoI laws in your […]
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In this section we outline the issues that you may want to consider in preparing to make requests for information held by the state: Who can request information from public authorities? What kind of information can you request? How do you decide which entities to ask? Should you make one request, or multiple requests?
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In this section we outline the types of situation in which information requests can be refused legitimately.
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EarthRights International works at defending people’s human rights and the environment and has been protecting people and the planet for over 20 years. Establishing these as ‘Earth Rights’, EarthRights International works against earth rights abusers. Finding real solutions for real people. EarthRights combines runs in depth training programmes for community leaders and activists and brings […]
Resource Bank
How do you find out about your rights to demand that public authorities in your country disclose information to you? In this section we describe the principal sources of Freedom of Information (FoI) laws.
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What are your legal rights to demand information held by public authorities? In this section we summarise the types of information that you may be entitled to demand, and the principal types of objection that may be raised in response. It is worth bearing in mind: that countries have very different approaches to the […]
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These resources are produced by Investigative Reporters and Editors. Although aimed at journalists, many of the resources listed would be equally useful for gathering evidence for litigation. The Resources Center is a major research library containing more than 25,000 investigative stories — both print and broadcast, and provides thousands of “tip sheets” on how to […]
Resource Bank
The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is an international association of nonprofit organisations that support, promote, and produce investigative journalism. GIJN holds conferences, conducts trainings, provides resources and consulting, and encourages the creation of similar nonprofit groups. It was founded in 2003. Provides a signpost to a wide range of resources for investigative journalism which are […]
Resource Bank
If your request for information is not handled appropriately, you may be able to challenge the decision. The most common available options are: an “internal” appeal an administrative appeal, to a more senior administrative body an appeal to an ombudsman or an information commissioner an appeal to a court Here is a brief outline of […]
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Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.
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