The Justiciability Topic Sheet provides an insight into how the justiciability requirement in many legal systems relates to climate litigation. It can help you answer the following questions: What is justiciability? How has justiciability impacted climate litigation? How have courts addressed justiciability in climate litigation cases? How can I satisfy the justiciability requirement in court? […]
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The matrix is a set of consolidated tables intended to show a summary of the key legal issues and elements of various types of climate-related legal action. It’s designed to be complementary to the A4J Climate Litigation Guide. Use the matrix as either an introduction to different types of climate litigation or as a point […]
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Greenpeace International, a partner of A4J, has created an excellent guide on how to bring a human rights-based climate change case against the government. It goes into detail on: Climate science you could use as evidence; How to identify enforceable human rights; Issues of admissibility (i.e. standing and justiciability); How you can prove a violation […]
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The Casebook contains more than 20 recent investigative stories from around the world, covering a wide variety of topical subjects such as freedom of information, good governance, social and legal issues, the environment, health and gender. Each article is accompanied by an explanation of how the authors conducted their research and wrote their pieces.
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This has links to more than 450 online databases on companies across 120 jurisdictions. This is a great place to start if you want to find out more information about a company.
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This is the largest list of open databases of companies in the world. It’s a great place to start if you want to find out more information about a company.
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A free and accessible list of company registers. This can be a useful starting point for finding more information about a company.
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The A4J Guide provides you with information on what should be included in witness statements, how they should be structured and formatted. This is a useful tool if you need to take a witness statement without the assistance of a lawyer.
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The Global Administrative Law Project provides further information on possibilities that are available to hold international organisations accountable.
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This pamphlet provides a brief overview on the issue of bail in Nigeria. It’s a useful starting point for readers in Nigeria.
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Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.
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