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Preventing Exploitation of Your Land By Others

Land rights include the right to exclude others from coming onto or using your land. Disputes about land often involve questions as to “what is inappropriate use of land?”. Common causes of disputes include activities like: deforestation and logging ranching mining and other extractive industries dam construction growing fuel crops, palm oil, soya, or other […]

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Defending Your Right to Use Your Land

There are many important rights to land which do not involve formal or documented ownership or title. There are a range of land rights that protect different uses of land. These include rights to: Live on the land Farm and grow food on the land Use the land for grazing and pasture of animals Growing […]

Legal Area


Land Ownership

Disputes often arise over who legally owns land. 2 key questions to ask are: Does the person who claims to own land really own it? Can they prove they own the land? Many conflicts over land ownership arise in a family context, where inheritance rights may be disputed.

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“Freedom of Information and Data Protection” by University College London

A UK-focused website resource by the Constitution Unit at University College London. Research, articles and surveys about the efficacy of FoI laws and procedures in the UK and internationally.

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List of NGOs, Information Commissioners and other resources

A lengthy list of NGOs, information commissioners and other resources, compiled by Rights2Info

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Guide on how to access information from a public body (UK Info Commissioner’s Office)

A helpful guide to the main considerations to be borne in mind when requesting information from public authorities

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Freedom of Information requests: appeals mechanism in the OSCE region

LegalLeaks toolkit p44 Appeals mechanism in the OSCE region

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Freedom of Information – Balancing the Public Interest

An analysis which seeks to analyse the various aspects of the public interest as understood in a Freedom of Information context in numerous common law jurisdictions; to assist Freedom of Information decision-makers to apply the public interest test in considering exemption provisions in legislation which incorporates that test in one form or another.   Freedom […]

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Case studies on making information requests

Some inspiring case studies which illustrate the powerful ways in which people have wrought social changes by pursuing information requests.

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Guide for Journalists on How to Access Government Information

LegalLeaks Guide for journalists on how to access government information This toolkit is designed for journalists working in any media – newspapers, radio, and television – as well as bloggers and other information professionals who need to get access to information held by public bodies.

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Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.

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