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Casos de derecho público y corrupción

El término “autoridades públicas” se refiere a cualquier institución en el sector público (es decir, instituciones que forman parte o son controladas por el Estado). Esto incluye: Instituciones encargadas de investigar delitos como la policía y los fiscales; Instituciones que prestan un servicio público como hospitales públicos y escuelas; Departamentos o dependencias gubernamentales; Instituciones gubernamentales […]

Legal Area


¿Qué tipo de acciones legales podría ejercer?

Existen distintas formas de hacer frente a la corrupción a través de una estrategia legal. Una acción legal se define como el proceso dellevar un caso ante un tribunal y esto puede ser a través de una demanda o de una denuncia penal. Esta Guía está diseñada para brindarteideas y tips sobre cómo ejercer acciones […]

Legal Area



People often feel hopeless and powerless to protect the environment, themselves, their families, and their individual rights. However, the creative use of the law has recorded notable successes in many countries. A variety of different strategies can be used for different environmental problems and by various stakeholders. As a result, numerous types of legal action can […]

Legal Area


Net-zero by 2050: South Korea to enshrine new climate target in law

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has declared that the country will achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, bringing its climate commitments in line with the likes of the UK and Japan. Announced in July as part of the national stimulus planning for Covid-19, the package earmarks $61.9bn for sectors including renewable energy generation and distribution, electric […]



Should animals have legal standing?

The New York Supreme Court is to hear arguments in November on whether an elephant can have legal personality. This may seem odd. But from a legal perspective it is not that strange. Indeed, it may be a practical way of using the law to protect the welfare of animals. To have a legal personality […]



Election and Supreme Court Fight Will Decide Trump’s Environmental Legacy

President Trump has selected Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court. He has initiated the most aggressive environmental deregulation agenda in modern history, but as his first term drives to a close, many of his policies are being cut down by the courts — even by Republican-appointed jurists who the […]



Environmental human rights defenders in Mexico: The issue of structural violence

In 2019, 39 environmental human rights defenders were victims of attacks in Mexico. Of these, 15 were killed. According to the most recent report by the Mexican Center for Environmental Law, between 2012 and 2019, there were 499 attacks on land and environment activists that took place across the vast majority of states. This indicates permanent and diffuse […]



Transparency International Helpdesk

Transparency International’s Anti-Corruption Helpdesk service provides timely and tailored answers to corruption-related questions from national chapters of Transparency International and certain partners of TI. Questions are answered within ten working days in the form of short briefings. Each answer provides a synthesis of the state of research on a particular topic, lessons learnt from case […]

Resource Bank


Corruption Watch South Africa

Corruption Watch undertakes campaigns and investigations into corruption in South Africa. They often pass the results of their investigations to the relevant authorities to take action on their behalf.

Resource Bank


Legal and Human Rights Centre and Others v Attorney General (Tanzania)

In Tanzania, a civil society organisation challenged an electoral law that allowed political candidates to give gifts to voters (“takrima”). This was challenged because it facilitated corruption, leading candidates to start buying votes. The Tanzanian High Court found that the electoral law violated the rights to equal treatment and non-discrimination regarding political participation in the […]

Resource Bank


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Action4Justice is a group of NGO’s united to support public interest litigation worldwide as a means to advance social justice.

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