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OECD, Commiting to Effective Whistleblower Protection

This document contains an analysis of the whistleblower protection framework in the OECD countries and provides guidelines to achieve effective whistleblower protection in the public and private sector.

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G20 Study on Whistleblower Protection

This report provides a comprehensive overview on the legal frameworks and main features of whistleblower protection in both the public and private sector.

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UNODC Database of Legislation

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has an online database of legislation, including anti-corruption laws and case-law from 175 countries. Use the portal to help find anti-corruption laws in your country.

Resource Bank


Legal 500 Q & A Chapters on Bribery and Corruption

On the Legal 500 website you can find Q&A guides that provide an introduction on bribery and anti-corruption laws in 22 different countries. The guides answer questions such as: What is the legal framework (legislation/regulations) governing bribery and corruption in your jurisdiction? Which authorities have jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute bribery in your jurisdiction? What […]

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The OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Hub

The anti-corruption and integrity hub contains studies and papers on corruption issues in relation to different topics and countries. This can be a good place to go if you want to deepen your understanding of corruption in a specific area.

Resource Bank


The Anti-Corruption Knowledge Hub

The Anti-Corruption Knowledge Hub is an online space where Transparency International presents its research output. It contains a series of topic guides, country-specific research, anti-corruption standards and research papers on different corruption-related issues. This is a good place to go if you want to deepen your understanding of corruption. You may also be able to find a report or […]

Resource Bank


Transparency International Anti-Corruption Glossary

The Transparency International Anti-Corruption Glossary is an interactive tool that uses animations to explain different types of corruption in a clear and simple way. If you want to get a quick overview of different types of corruption, this could be a good place to start.

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Where Can I Find Support and More Information?

If, after reading this Guide, you are thinking about taking legal action to challenge corruption. We recommend seeking support from an anti-corruption organisation and undertaking further research. The links below may help you with this.

Legal Area


Public Law Claims and Corruption

Public authorities refer to any body that is in the public sector (i.e. bodies which are part of or controlled by the State). This includes: Police and law enforcement bodies; Public service providers, such as public hospitals or schools; Government departments; Governmental regulatory and licensing bodies;  Private bodies that exercise any public authority; and Officials […]

Legal Area


Civil Claims and Corruption

If you can show that corruption has taken place, it may also be possible for you to bring a civil claim. A civil claim involves arguing a person or corporation violated your private rights.

Legal Area


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